Natural Living

Natural Diaper Wipes (Wet wipes)
natural diaper wipes

When I had my first baby, I was totally clueless about the amount of chemicals that would touch his skin every day.  From soaps to laundry detergent and diaper wipes- I hadn't realized how many harmful chemicals were being absorbed into my innocent newborn.

After getting a set of Young Living essential oils, my eyes were opened and I went a tad crazy.  I threw out all my cleaners, body washes, candles- okay the list could go on & on.  So today I want to share my favourite and most used DIY recipe for diaper wipes, not only because they're gentle and natural for our babies skin but because they actually work!

Once I began using my own natural & homemade wipes, I didn't even find a need for diaper cream- that's how well they work.  And note, that these may be used as wet wipes for your hands as well so even if your little ones are out of diapers, this is still a great item to use around the home!


2.5 cups boiling water
1 tbsp coconut oil
2 tbsp natural baby wash (I like Young Living or Green Beaver)
10 drops lavender oil (Young Living)
One paper towel


Cut your paper towel in half
Place each half in a glass container
Mix coconut oil, baby wash & lavender drops into a bowl with the boiled water and mix.
Pour mixture over paper towel.
You may need to rotate the paper towel to ensure all sides are covered
Pull out the cardboard core
Secure a lid on the container.

Include your children as you make these.  My older son loves science and was really interested in making the wipes with me. However, of course, be careful when it comes to the boiling water!
I hope you love these wipes as much as my family does!


Two things you need to know about me.  I love all things natural and I am also quite frugal.  Maybe not so proud to admit the latter at all times, however, I have become incredibly resourceful and wise with what I do have.

living naturally and chemical free with your childrenNatural living and doing my best to ensure a safe and toxic free environment for my children is so important to me.  Here, I want to share a few of my own DIY  remedies and resources for your children.  All natural. All plant-based.  All without breaking the bank!

And most importantly? Because we aren't using any harmful chemicals, you and your children can be doing this together!
Stay tuned for posts about cold remedies, easy & natural dishwasher pods and so much more!
