Fresh n' Whole Snacks

Vegan Vanilla Cake
Less than 10 minutes!

baking with kids
PC: Loving it Vegan
I'm going to be really honest with you.  Since Covid-19 erupted in the world, our life has not changed very much.  I've always been quite frugal, always hate to waste and for the most part do a lot of homemade baking and cooking from scratch.

In the last 2 weeks I've seen a lot of Moms begin baking. This brings a smile to my face! What a good way of giving our children healthy snacks or breakfasts!  Below I wanted to share one of our favourite homemade cake recipes. I know. Cake.  Maybe not the healthiest option, but this takes about 5 minutes to prepare- and keep in mind that this is with my 2 and 4-year-old doing the bulk of it!
baking with kids
This is such an easy recipe and also vegan which means you can save your eggs for another meal.
And let's face it. If I can decrease the number of trips to the grocery store- I will!  To make this cake healthier, I only add half the sugar and I never add icing or frosting.  This way, we can actually enjoy it for a snack or even breakfast without feeling too guilty!

Here is the recipe below from Loving it Vegan

For the Vanilla Cake:
For The Vanilla Frosting:
  • 3 and 3/4 cups (450g) Powdered Sugar
  • 3 Tbsp (45g) Vegan Butter
  • 4 Tbsp Soy Milk (or other non-dairy milk)*
  • 2 tsp Vanilla Extract
For Decoration:
  • Fresh Strawberries


  1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C)
  2. Sift the flour into a mixing bowl.
  3. Add the sugar, baking soda and salt and mix together.
  4. Add the soy milk, vanilla, oil and vinegar and give it a quick whisk with a hand whisk until just combined.
  5. Grease two 7 inch round cake tins with coconut oil (or spray with non-stick spray) and cut parchment paper into circles to fit the bottoms.
  6. Divide the batter evenly between them.
  7. Bake for 30 minutes.
  8. Remove from the oven and using a toothpick, insert into the center of the cake. If it comes out clean then your cake is done.
  9. Move to a cooling rack to cool completely.
  10. Prepare your frosting.
  11. Add the powdered sugar, vegan butter, vanilla and half of the soy milk.
  12. Beginning on low speed, mix with an electric mixer, slowly increasing speed. Add the rest of the soy milk, only as much as needed until it is smooth and creamy. If your vegan butter has a higher water content, you may not need to use all of the soy milk.
  13. If your frosting is still a little thin, add more powdered sugar, if it’s a little thick, add more soy milk (a drop at a time). The consistency must be thick enough that it doesn’t slide off the cake, but thin enough to be spreadable.
  14. When your cake is completely cool, add frosting to the top of one of the layers.
  15. Add the second layer on top and frost it completely, using a knife to carefully frost the sides of the cake.
  16. Decorate with fresh strawberries and serve right away.
  17. If you’re not serving right away, then omit the strawberries or serve them on a plate alongside the cake, so it doesn’t get soggy.
Whole Foods Checklist
Healthy snacks that last LONG!
whole and healthy snacks

With everything that is going on in the world right now, keeping my children healthy is number 1.  There has been a lot of "panic buying" due to the constant flow of coronavirus news, but let's be realistic- it's not the worst idea to be  (wisely) prepared and at least have an emergency pack in the home with some essentials.

Over the last week, I've been brainstorming what kind of snack foods I can have on hand for my children that are healthy but also last for at least a month.  Below is a list of healthy whole food snack ideas that can easily last up to a month or longer!

There is no need to stock up on goldfish, granola bars and chips.  We can still keep our children just as healthy- follow this simple checklist below!

  • Frozen fruit
    • This is my number 1 go-to! Grab a couple packs of frozen fruit- these are great to snack on as is, blend in smoothies or add as toppings on oatmeal or in pancakes
  • Banana's
    • Another great fruit that is great frozen. Buy a bunch, peel them all and place them in a ziplock bag and freeze. From here, they're quick to blend for a smoothie or thaw out later for homemade banana bread.
  • Quick oats
    • Okay, oats are usually for breakfast but they are so quick to whip up and topped with some berries or a little brown sugar- they make for a good and filling snack (or meal) full of protein.
  • Trail mix or Nuts
    • We always have a bag of trail mix and nuts in our home.  They never seem to go bad and nuts are full of good fats and protein.  You can buy trail mix from the store or make your own!
  • Carrot sticks & Dips
    • Carrots are the one vegetable that seems to last forever- okay, not forever but they do seem to last over a month and still taste delish!  Add some dip or hummus and this turns out to be a pretty quick and tasty snack.
  • Whole-grain crackers
    • We try to limit crackers in our house but everything in moderation is just fine.  Find an organic whole grain cracker and this makes for a quick snack when you're in a rush or you've got your hands full. Just remember to seal them up, and they are sure to last awhile.
  • Apples
    • Apples are another fruit that seems to last up to a month if kept in the fridge. And if they have started to get a little too mushy, blend them up for applesauce to eat for a snack or use in pancakes or muffins!
  • Homemade muffins
    • The first thing I went out to buy was a big bag of flour.  I love baking fresh muffins and bread for my children. Find some healthy recipes (I always eliminate sugars and chocolate chips) and be sure to freeze whatever you have made. Your muffins can last at least a month if not longer in the freezer and make for a lovely snack during the day.
  • Energy bites
    • Check the recipe below! These are an easy no-bake recipe that can be kept long in the freezer and taken out as needed.
whole and healthy snacks

I hope you've been inspired to "Stock up" on some healthy snack foods for your children. I'd love to read some of your suggestions and favorite healthy foods in the comments below!

Energy Bites
energy bites for kids

These peanut butter energy bites are such a great go-to snack.  They're simple to whip up, quick to grab for on the go and healthy! What's better, is these are no-bake so it's a healthy snack that won't take up much time and super easy for you and your children to make together.  Throw everything in the bowl and mix! 

Shout out to Heidi Heaton for this great recipe. I  did adapt it slightly. I used 1/4 cup of chocolate chips instead of a 1/2 cup to make it even healthier. 
My boys weren't thrilled about the ground up flax.  For next time I would use flax seeds or about half the flax called for in the recipe. 
I think you and your children will LOVE these energy bites. They are such a fun snack and just as quick as grabbing a granola bar or box of crackers when you're rushing out the door- just way healthier for you!


energy bites


  1. Combine oats, chocolate chips, flax seed, peanut butter, honey, and vanilla extract together in a bowl; form into balls using your hands. Arrange energy bites on a baking sheet and freeze until set, about 1 hour.

Smoothie Bowls
THE Best snack for your children!

healthy snacks for my kids

This really is the best snack you can give your children when they need a boost, not only because it’s
delicious but also because it is pumped full of good nutrients!
Smoothie Bowls. Now, your little ones will have to practice some patience as you whip them together
but it is so worth it!

Some days the only way I can get my kids to eat veggies is by adding it to a smoothie.  Spinach is our
favourite to add.  It’s a great source of iron and plant-based proteins and has a nice texture when mixed.
Cucumber is another good veggie that mixes well with almost anything!

We usually add a banana and mixed fruit along with it plus oats.  Did you know that oats are full of
protein too?! Lastly, we like to add coconut milk and some water (add whichever kind of milk you like
best) and sometimes we add yogurt or avacado for a smoother and thicker texture.

Once that is blended up (keep it thick for a smoothie bowl) we get to the fun part! Pour it all into a bowl
and grab your toppings! We like to add toppings like granola, hemp seeds, chia seeds, or freshly
chopped fruit/banana.  

Adding these “toppings” make the presentation of your smoothie bowl look irresistible and super fun for
your children (especially if they’re making this alongside you) but best of all there are so many good
proteins and other nutrients in the hemp seeds, fruit and such that you are adding on.  

A little tip: have fun with this. Use what you already have at home- no need to stress or make an extra
trip to the store.
One more tip: Remember to do this with your children. Making the snacks together often encourages
the children to actually eat what they’ve helped to make plus it makes for a great time connecting
Just one more: Smoothie bowls are a great way to start the day. Make them for breakfast and give
yourself a natural energy boost for the day!

Our recipe:

1 frozen banana
1 cup frozen mixed fruit
healthy snacks for my kids1 cup fresh spinach (about 1 handful)
½ cup yogurt
½ cup quick oats
1 cup coconut milk
2 cups cold water
2 tbsp almonds (optional)
1 scoop vegan protein powder (optional)

Blend together and pour into a bowl. Add toppings of your choice. (We love fresh fruit, chia seeds and granola!)

wholesome snacks for children

I'm sure we all agree how important feeding our little ones is and more-so how important it is that we are not putting junk into our children's bodies! BUT you'd be surprised how many harmful ingredients are in those go-to snacks that we often don't even think about: fish crackers, fruit snacks, cheerios....

Yes.  Sometimes it does take some extra time to prepare a healthy snack for your children, and yes I often am tempted to buy granola bars and those easy to grab snacks for on the go.

BUT your children are worth those extra 5 minutes to slice up an apple or even that half hour to bake fresh muffins!

Join me as I provide healthy and wholesome snack ideas that your children will love for at home and on the go!
