Are you up for the challenge?

Anyone like a good challenge?  I’ll be honest- I don’t!  But I promise, this is a good one!  Today I want to challenge you to do three simple things and I promise you will have a very enriching and fulfilling day with your children.

Number 1. Put down your phone

Connect with your kids. Put the phone down
Photo Credit: The Source for Parents
It’s so easy to take a quick break from the chaos that raising young children sometimes is, and to aimlessly scroll through Facebook or Instagram feeds.  But those posts will always be there- quite literally.  The moments with your children do not repeat.  They come and go quickly. Have you ever tried to get your son or daughter to repeat something funny they did so you can catch it on camera?  Does it ever actually happen?  Good or bad, we miss a lot of moments when we pick up our phones.  So today I challenge you not to look at your phone at all- or at least until the little's have gone to bed!

Number 2. Spend time playing with your children

This sounds like a no-brainer, but how often do you find yourself cleaning the house or cooking instead- or perhaps just longing to finish that scarf you started knitting or to escape with a strong coffee?  Not that any of these are wrong- and you need to do them, but today intentionally take at least 1 hour to just be with your child and play whatever it is they are playing.

This might mean you have to play those crazy imaginary games they come up with. “Mom. Pretend to be a transformer.  Mom.  Pretend to be a kitty and don’t forget to lick your paws.” “Mom…”
Or perhaps you have to build towers or make cakes out of playdough.  Whatever it is, stop your mom duties for a few minutes and get down on your hands and knees and play with your child.  I’m sure that their faces will light up and you all will be in a better mood for the rest of the day.

Number 3. No TV (or other electronics)

I’m guilty of putting on cartoons when I want some time to myself or when I need to get dinner cooked without distractions- and sometimes I wonder what I’d do without TV.  We were in Kenya for a month not to0 long ago visiting my husband’s family.  To my surprise, my sons survived without any TV for a month straight.  When we got home, my oldest didn’t even ask for it.  Instead, I remember coming home and he went straight to play with his trains.

Try at least one day without TV/Ipads etc.   Watch as your child uses his or her imagination and don’t forget to be there and be present if they need some encouragement along the way!

Are you up for the challenge?  Three things to implement today and I guarantee you and your children will make some beautiful memories together.  I’d love to hear your experiences in the comments below!
