Christmas Present Hunt!

As soon as the days begun getting cooler, my oldest son (3 years) decided that Christmas is coming. I usually use all my willpower to wait till December 1st to put up Christmas decorations so this activity was not only wonderful to connect with my boys in the outdoors but allowed us to talk about the coming of Christmas without decorating the house quite yet!

We rummaged through the recycling and found a couple of cardboard boxes.  I pulled out the Christmas wrapping paper and we wrapped the empty boxes to look like presents.  Next, I hid the “presents” outside, then bundled the boys up to search for them.

I used “you’re getting warmer/colder” clues for my 3 year old as he had so much fun searching for the presents while my one year old- well, just had fun crawling around the grass.  We played this game as long as the boys wanted to, taking turns to hide the presents in different spots.

If you have older children, you could give them a time limit to make it more of a challenge.  And if its really bad weather, this can be played indoors as well.

Did your children have more fun wrapping up the presents or searching for them outside? Let me know in the comments below!
