Love Packs

Love packs are my favourite.  This is something that you will prepare for your child before- hand and then open together later.

So what is a love pack?  Start with 7 small ziplock bags- one for each day of the week.  Label each one Sunday- Saturday.  Inside each, place a paper with a special note you’ve written for your child.  This could be long or short- basically an encouragement to them, something you love about them, or a kind word for the day.

I like to write a couple sentences of uplifting words, and then add a little treat like one smartie or one jelly bean.  Yes, just one. The treat gives it that extra touch of special - especially as they wait to read tomorrow’s love pack.

Here’s an example of how a Monday love pack to my son might look like:

Connect with your kids using Love Packs
As this morning begins, remember how loved you are and what a wonderful, kind boy you are. Here is a yellow smartie because you light up our life. 

This activity is a little different than others I've posted because you’re making it ahead of time.  However, the time you spend together while reading it and the words you encourage them with, will start their day off on a high note!
