Mason Jar Christmas Decor

We’ve had such a sunny November this year that I honestly, haven’t given Christmas a thought- well, until this morning when we hurried off to church.  Usually, there is dew on the grass, but today the grass, the car- everything, was covered in crisp white frost.  And suddenly, I’m thinking about Christmas.

coConnect with your kids. Create mason jar Christmas decorationsWe don’t have any Christmas decorations out yet, but I thought it would be fun to make a simple Christmas centerpiece for our table.  I spent way too long on google searching for ideas and coming up with nothing, so I decided to take a look around the house to see what I could create with materials I already had.

I had recycled mason jars, candles from our jack-o-lanterns and we have a pine tree in the back- Here’s a simple way to make a vintage looking centerpiece for your table with items you already have at home!

First, we painted the Mason jar white to look like snow.  If you don’t have paint, just leave it.  I think mason jars look cute however they are!  As the paint dried we collected some small pine leaves in the backyard as well as a couple pinecones which the boys thought would be fun to add.

Connect with your kids. Create mason jar Christmas decorations
I only had one Mason jar so we collaborated together and shared ideas for decorating it, which actually made for a great way to connect with one another! I wanted to add a ribbon, which the boys allowed, and then I let them throw in the leaves, pinecones and some craft straw that I had leftover.
We popped a candle in the middle and made sure that the leaves would not catch when we lit it later on.  

I was really surprised with how cute and vintage it turned out and we didn’t have to spend a dime on it!  If you don’t have a mason jar, a recycled tin can also look lovely.  Remember to use what you already have around the house!

If you have your “Let’s Talk” jar from last week, this would be a great time to add in a few more questions about Christmas!
Happy Connecting!

