Nature Explorers

Whether the sun is out or its one of those gloomy stay-inside sort of days, get dressed up and go outside! Fresh air and physical activity is so good for you and your children.

Explore nature with your childrenToday, it’s actually a rare and sunny November day so we walked to the park. Here’s what we did to make it extra special, and I hope you get a chance to try it with your kids too!

On the way to the park, my boys each got a “Nature bag”.  This essentially could be as simple as a plastic grocery bag or a Tupperware container- whatever you have on hand.  Along the way and at the park, we collected “nature treasures” (as I like to call them).  Pinecones, leaves, sticks- whatever you’re ok with your little ones collecting.

We brought them home and set up a nature table.  (I plan to leave this out for at least a couple months).  This served as provocation to lots of organic conversation about seasons and the different objects they had picked up.  Remember to ask lots of “open-ended” questions as you discuss with your children. (Not just questions that will end in a no or yes).

To take this one step further, we pulled out the liquid glue and starting sticking some of the items we collected together.  Now, my boys, are not that much into crafts and art so this didn’t go too far.  However, if your children are, I’d encourage you to add some recycled materials or perhaps googly eyes- use your imagination and see what is created!
