Write Your Story

I can bet that your children know how to tell a story- whether it be a tall tale about who ate the last cookie without permission, or perhaps a goofy story at the dinner table or bed-time.  Why not write some of these down and keep them as memories!

How children can write a storyWe started the morning off by picking a book to read together for some inspiration.  After we finished reading, I got a pad of paper and asked my oldest to tell me his own story.  I jotted down what he said and afterwards, read back to him his story as he drew corresponding pictures on some paper.

Keeping it simple, I stapled his papers together and added his words next to the pictures he had drawn. And just like that- he had written his own story! (If you’d like to have the stories last longer, you could consider using mactac or a laminator)

Encouraging children to make up their own stories is such a beautiful way to inspire imagination and new vocabulary- plus I bet you will get a good laugh from what they can make up on the spot!

What ideas did your kids come up with for stories? I’d love to hear in the comments below!
how children can write a story
