Christmas Chimes

connect with your kids and make christmas wind chimes!I’ve mentioned before how much I love using recycled materials to create something beautiful.  In particular I’m fascinated with the many uses of tin cans!  You can imagine how excited I was to find some inspiration on Pinterest today by Jamie from “Hands on as we grow” who used tins to create magical Christmas wind chimes.

Of course I put my own spin on the project and the boys had a great time getting their hands messy with finger-paint. This activity is so simple and fun. Here’s what I did:

  •  I gave each of my boy’s one tin can to decorate. We used finger-paints and also mixed the colours to create red and green- “Christmas colours”
  •  You could also add sparkles and glitter if you have some on hand.
  •  After letting them dry I poked a hold in the top of the tin can (I used the end of scissors or a nail works great too).
  • I strung different lengths of ribbon (you can use fishing line, yarn etc). onto the tin cans and strung the end of the ribbon around a piece of driftwood. (I love driftwood but you can use anything you like or just tie the ends all together up top)
  •  I also added a couple Christmas tree decorations to make it look extra festive.
  • And that’s it! Place your Christmas wind chime inside or outside your home.                             *Depending on the age of your child, their participation will vary- mine being 1 and 3 mostly did the painting part! 
I hope you enjoy making these wind chimes as much as my boys and I did. I’d love to see a photo of yours in the comments below!

If you’d like to read the original instructions follow the link below:
