Cooking Together

Yes, I said it.  As daunting of a task it may be, cook one meal together today. I am very grateful that my parents taught me how to cook when I was young and I hope to teach my boys a thing or two before they move out (Thankfully that is no time soon!)

My oldest in a very picky eater, but he seems to eat- or try- almost anything if he has helped prepare it.  Remember, your little ones are more capable that you think!  I often find my husband letting our son help flip the eggs or stir the food over a hot element.  Naturally, I freak out- at first.
With a bit of repetition and a conversation about safety beforehand, it’s amazing what these little humans can do in the kitchen!

Now having said that, don’t ever do anything you are not comfortable with!

This morning we cooked hash-browns and scrambled eggs for breakfast.  My oldest cracked the eggs into a bowl and I taught him how to whisk them with a fork.  With a lot of caution, we mixed the eggs together on the frying pan along with the hashbrowns. 

I put four plates out and let him serve the food as well as some fruits.  This turned into somewhat of a math activity unknowingly as he had to split the slices of orange equally. 

Adapt your child’s level of participation based on their age and their abilities.  My youngest is one so with other meals, I often let him "wash" the vegetables.  He loves getting his hands wet in a big bowl of vegie’s. 

Cooking together shows that you trust your child and view them as competent individuals.  It combines science, math and hand-eye coordination plus lifeskills- and you can rest assured that they will learn to cook nutritious meals and not just KD when they move out.
