Family Sing-a-long

For some reason, I’ve always thought that the idea of a family sing-a-long would be such a sweet thing to do together.  My three brothers and I once played a song for my Grandma on Christmas as a gift. (she never wanted presents!)  I played my flute, another brother was on the saxophone, another on the trumpet and my youngest who doesn’t play instruments- I honestly don’t remember what he did.  He may have smacked some drums.  I remember it being such a lovely gift for my Grandma.
You don’t have to be musical to do this activity, and if you are, then go all out! Today’s way to connect with your child is to sing/play songs together.

I play the accordion and my youngest adores when I play it so I began the melody to jingle bells as well as various other Christmas songs.  My oldest played muffin tins using a wooden spoon.  And that’s what I love about this- you can play real instruments or grab some pots and pans and have fun exploring with all the different sounds they make.

Almost everything becomes a song in our house, and I’m sure if your children are still little, you often make up tunes to encourage them to clean up, eat, get changed and the list goes on.  But today, intentionally take time to pick out a few special songs, pick out some instruments (real, pretend or pots & pans) and enjoy some music together, because it is oh- so good for the soul!
