Mini Christmas Trees

Any time I can in cooperate the outdoors to our days, I do so.  This simple Christmas decoration is the perfect activity to do together because it involves nature, being outdoors and also being indoors getting your crafty side on. Plus how cute our mini Christmas trees?

I’m going to keep my blog brief today since its near holidays and no one seems to hardly have time to even breathe.  But breathe.  Please do. Take a minute to pause in the business of Christmas and spend some intentional time with your children today.

Small sticks
Yarn or thread
Gluegun or superglue

Go out for a nature walk with your kids and collect a few sticks.  These will be making our Christmas trees so the amount you’ll need depends on how many you want to make.

Break them into the size you’d like (we made ours fairly small) and before gluing them together, wrap yarn around the sticks to add some beauty and colour.

Once you’ve decorated the sticks, have an adult gluegun three pieces together into a triangle to form the tree and don’t forget a small trunk on the bottom.

If you’d like, now that they’re glued together, you could also string some yarn across from stick to stick to add more colour.

You could also glue a start or angel to the top.

Add one longer string to all the trees (you could tie it or attach it with a glue gun) and allow for extra yarn at each end. I made small loops at the end and used a thumbtack to loop them onto the wall where I decided to hang them.

I was inspired by Aneira Davies from “Prima”.  If you’d like to check out her original piece check out the following link:
