I Love You List

How many times a day do you catch yourself telling your son or daughter, “No.” or “Don’t do that.”  Sometimes these “no’s” are for good reasons like, “No, you can’t open the hot oven,” but sometimes we can be a bit excessive with our negative comments as we become consumed in our need to control environments, situations or behaviors.  It’s easy to forget our children are children and they are learning and discovering in their own unique ways.

So today, I want you to focus on the positives- on what you love about your child- hence, the “I love you list.” Surprise your child or children today with a list of 10 things you love about them.  And being mindful of our negative comments and focusing on the positives, I challenge you to look at those things you may not adore about your child and turn it to good.

Did I lose you?  Here’s an example.  My son does not stop talking- ever.  He talks loudly, I have to watch him quite literally all day long as he’s talking and at times when I need to cook or take care of his brother, this becomes exceptionally difficult.  So how would I turn this into something positive to add to his “I love you list”?

“I love the passion and expressions that you put into your amazing storytelling.”

Today, turn negatives to positives and intentionally let your child know all the things you love about them!

*I’d love to read in the comments below what “negative” things you turned to positive- or how your child reacted when you read them the list*
