Unlimited Possibilities

I can almost bet that at one point of your life you have seen or played with those car mats.  You know the ones right? The large rug adorned in roads and city buildings.  It seems like such a cool item to buy until you do, and realize that it totally throws off the colour palette of your home!

Make your own car mat: enriched children
I thought it would be fun to create our own with our own unique touch and inspiration. I was surprised with how engaged my 3 and 1-year-old were, and also with how easy this was!
All you need are: markers and poster board or a flat large piece of cardboard.

Originally, I had planned on using a poster board but in the end, went with an old large TV box.  The boys already had it in the living room as they were using it for a fort and it actually worked great as it was elevated and acted as a table.

I was going to let my boys do all the drawing, but decided to draw and collaborate with them- after all, this blog is all about connecting right?  We used our neighborhood as inspiration and decided on drawing our home and other favourite places like our church, park and some other essentials like the hospital and grocery store. Once we were done, the boys got their cars out and had a great time driving along the roads that we had drawn.

Make your own car mat: enriched childrenAlright, I hope you’ve continued reading until now because I’m getting to the best part!  This isn’t an activity that needs only to last one day.  Throughout the week, let your children add to their drawings.  Perhaps, after a trip out, your kids will come home with new inspiration for buildings or roads to add.  A project never has to be done within a time limit.  Keep it out and let your children’s imagination grow and expand!

The other thing I LOVE about this activity is that it’s great for any age.   There is no need for this to even be a car mat- my boys just love cars!  You could create a jungle or a secret garden- literally anything your children can imagine.  If your kids are artsy, they might want to add paint instead of leaving it at just marker drawings.  The possibilities are limitless!

If your kids enjoyed this activity as much as mine did, comment below and let me know!
