Love Gift

Love Gift: Enriched childrenHow often do we reach out to those that we love and care about to let them know? And I don’t mean just dropping a heart emoji on Facebook or a quick text. As my 3-year-old son and I were reading through his “Awana” book (a Christian kids club that he attends), the final page challenged us to do something nice for someone who was sick. This inspired me for today’s blog.

My son decided to make a toy for his younger brother who has been fighting a cold. I pulled out my craft box and other recycled materials and watched as his imagination went wild, thoughtfully creating a unique toy to give to his brother.

Why stop the fun here though? Today and over the weekend, brainstorm with your child, some people you would like to bless this week. This

could be another family member, a friend, a teacher- anyone! Perhaps they are sick or perhaps you just want to let them know how much you appreciate them.

Here’s where it gets really fun. Let your child decide what they would like to do for them- they might want to write a kind letter (mailing this is extra special as we so very rarely receive letters), make a toy, bake some cookies, make a craft…let your child decided what they feel would be best.

Love Gift: Enriched childrenEncourage their imagination and creativity throughout the process and support them as necessary.
And for the best part- blessing someone else with the gift they have made and letting them know you love and care for them.

I hope you enjoy connecting this week. I’d love to know what thoughtful gift your child came up with in the comments below!
