Mad Libs

 This morning I was so excited to post a lovely stick weaving project that we worked on this weekend. Nature + Crafts = perfection, right? Well, somehow the stick broke in two before I could snap a photo….so this morning I woke up early- thank goodness I’m a morning person, and brainstormed another really fun activity that I believe will create a great connection between you and your kids today!

Pre-school Mad Libs! This week is family Literacy Week, so I wanted to do something focused on literacy. This turned out to be such a fun activity.  Below is a story I wrote this morning.  Before reading the story aloud, ask your child to come up with words that are in the red.  Jot these down in order and once you’ve completed all of them, read the story aloud. 

We had a pretty good laugh doing this!  If you’re eager for other stories simply google “preschool mad libs” and there are surprisingly so many of these online!

If you’re children are older, than this can easily be adapted in two ways.  Sub in the red words for types of nouns, verbs, adjectives etc.  OR, consider having your child write a short story.  You as the parent can then read over the story and decide which words to omit and choose whether to add nouns, verbs and so on in those places.

I hope you have as much fun as we had this morning.  Don’t forget to comment below if you enjoyed!

Long ago in the jungle of favourite place hundreds of animal lived happily where they played and ate their favourite food every day.  Family member and Family member decided that they would search for this jungle and find a animal to bring home.  They had to ride on a mode of transportation for number days before they reached the jungle of favourite place.  Along the way, they ate favourite snack.
They finally reached the jungle and began searching high and low, but all they could find was a bunch of toy.  Perhaps if they used their handy dandy song it would help them find the animal they longed to bring home.
To their surprise, they found number of animal.  They were so a feeling and got on the first mode of transportation to come home.
