Sticks and Stones

This past week has been crazy with Christmas and I just realized that today is New Years Eve! That being said, I won't be posting another blog up until Friday so take today or the whole week to enjoy this fun yet simple activity with your kids.

If you live in Nanaimo, near me, today is actually the perfect day for this nature activity because it's sunny!!! I love nature and any chance I can get my boys outside I take it because they are BUSY and need a lot of space to breathe and run around.

We took a walk at the beach a few days ago and Mishael found a beautiful piece of driftwood.  He then went on to carefully place some rocks on top of it.  He asked if we could bring it home, so I carefully packed it in my bag and we eventually pulled out the gluegun to secure the rocks in place.

So thank you to my three-year old who inspired this beautiful nature art project! Really, that's all there is to it.  Collect some wood or driftwood if you're near the beach as well as some rocks.  Let your child arrange them however they would like and secure the rocks with a gluegun or superglue.

Take some time as well to discover all the amazing markings on the driftwood and rocks.  Ask your children open-ended questions, like where they think the rocks got their markings from.

I've decided to hang Mishael's rock art on the wall, which you could do too, or let your kids play with it and turn it into something from their imagination.

Expansion Ideas:
Collect more than just rocks! Add some shells, seaweed or sand to the driftwood as well.
Talk about how rocks and driftwood get their shapes and special markings.
