What's on the Menu

connect with your kids: enriched children
PC: LemonTreeDwelling
Your family may be like mine where going to a restaurant is rare- a very special outing. Or you might be the complete opposite, and enjoy going out every week. Either way, it’s something fun- a great way for you and your family to connect outside the home.

But why not bring the restaurant to your home? I thought it would be fun to make a three-course meal menu for my son- turns out this was the best way to have lunch! You can make it as simple or as complex as you want. Just have fun with it!

I had so much fun writing this up for my son and he loved having different choices to choose from. I chose to do a lunch menu and kept it fairly simple so he wouldn’t have to wait long after he chose his selections. I loved connecting with him this way, and it turned into more imaginative play later on in the day!

(If you are really brave and your kids are old enough- why not let them write up a menu of meals for you and cook as well! And if they’re not old enough, pretend food works just as well!)

Here’s a sample of the menu I gave to my son: 
What's on the menu: enriched children
