Clay thumb pots

I love clay.  It’s a beautiful natural resource that we have and get to use.  Today’s blog is a simple project using clay.  Clay thumb pots.  At least that’s what I’m calling them!

I realize you may not have clay at home, but it’s very easy to obtain and affordable too.  I’ll post more about that at the end of this blog.

Depending on the type of clay you purchase, you may need to dab it with water as you begin to form and shape it.  Have fun with this as you begin to explore with this material- especially if it’s your first time using clay.  Take time to see how it molds and moves.

Clay thumb pots: enriched childrenFor the thumb pots- they really are quite easy. Simply roll a piece of clay into a ball (depending on the size of pot you want, this will determine the size of ball). We kept ours fairly small though so that the pot could hold a set of keys or some jewelry.

Once you’ve formed a ball, all you need to do is press your thumb in the centre until you create a hole- don’t punch it all the way through of course! You may need to form the sides of the bowl a bit still.

It took a full day for the clay to dry, so find a safe spot for it.  The next day we got paints out, to decorate it.

What I love about clay, is that if you don’t get to finish your project all at once- simply place a wet paper towel on top so it doesn’t dry out.  You can continue working on it later or even the next day.
Have fun and let your creativity flow.  What else can you make with clay? Comment below!

  • I used "DAS" modeling clay. You can easily order it off Amazon or pick it up at Walmart or any craft store like Michael's. 

  • Another good option is Crayola Air Dry. I haven't picked this up in a store,, but here's a quick link to where you can get it on Amazon.
enriched children: Crayola clay
