Yarn art for Kids!

Anyone else obsessed with yarn like I am? With these brisk winter days, I’ve been into a lot of indoor activities and crafts with the boys.  I was going to do weaving with them (and I may still) but thought that making a “God’s eye” with yarn would be a bit easier and a good introduction to using yarn.

My oldest had a lot of fun doing this and of course, my boys who are not into art, turned this craft into a plane.  We went on to fly around the house with our “plane” (God’s eye) for a good hour straight.  Don’t you love children’s imaginations?

In my Mom mind, I had pictured making a few of these stunning yarn crafts to hang in their room, but yet again, my boys impressed me with their creativity.  I hope you enjoy using yarn today whether your yarn art turns into a toy or a decoration!
How to make a God's eyeHow to make a God's eye

Here are the instructions below!
  • ·         Hold two small twigs (we used driftwood from the beach) or Popsicle sticks together as a cross.
  • ·         Begin wrapping the yarn tightly in the middle of the sticks (this will create the “eye”) in a diagonal pattern. (I had to help get this part started)

o   You could also glue the twigs/popsicle sticks together instead of holding them so tightly as you begin wrapping!
  • ·         Now you want to begin wrapping the yarn around the main part of your sticks
  • ·         Wrap over and under one stick, then to the next and so on.

o   Changing the colours of the yarn can be fun too.  Just tie a knot and begin a new colour!
  • ·         To finish off the God’s eye, simply glue the tail of the yarn at the back- or even just tuck it in tightly.

I find to write out these instructions is a bit confusing, so here is a lovely picture from http://www.auntannie.com/FridayFun/GodsEye/

How to make a God's eye
