7 Days to Connect with your Children | Enriched Children

Today I've created a seven-day "challenge" to intentionally connect with your kids! Each day, Monday through to Sunday, there is a new suggestion that I believe will inspire beautiful moments with your children.  So let's jump into it.  Starting off with today- Monday!


7 ways to connect with your childrenFollow their Passion.
Today take some time to really notice what their passions and interests are.  From these interests, develop an activity that will further their knowledge, investigation and understanding.  For example, if your child is always interested when you're cooking a meal, allow them to cook with you.  Pick out a recipe together, read the instructions and work side by side allowing them to be as independent as possible.
Or if they love building, think of some new materials they can use to build.  Perhaps their building can turn into a day long or even week-long project!


Today think of something out of the ordinary and maybe even kind of extravagant that you can do for your child.  This could be an ice-cream party or a pretend birthday party or...!
Every so often we will pretend that one of my sons is having a birthday party.  They know this is pretend and there's no need to actaully make a real cake or get presents!  I'll pop a few candles in whatever we're eating for dinner that day or wrap up some of their toys.  It's all pretend, but it's a lot of fun and something that we wouldn't usually do.


Be Silly.
I'm sure all of us find ourselves being a lot more silly than we were before having kids.  But sometimes we do get caught up in the day to day commotion of being adults.  Being silly may be just as good for our health as it is for our children!  
Today, when you find yourself getting consumed with wiping the counters, over-working- whatever it is; stop and just be silly with your children!

7 ways to connect with your children


No electronics- for You!
I bet most of us try to limit the amount of screen time for our children but have you ever thought about for yourself?  Today, refrain from checking any social media or scrolling online.  Put the phone aside, i-pad, whatever it is that you use.  
The times that my phone has died because I've been too lazy to charge it, always seem to make for the best memories with my kids.  Instead of searching Pinterest, I'm just with my kids- no distractions.
So take in every precious moment with them today enjoying their smiles, laughs and curiosity.


Do what they Want
I am definitely guilty for pushing crafts on my boys or taking them outside (because I need fresh air) when they are content building blocks at home.  This will look different for everyone, but have you ever been guilty of pushing a little bit of what you enjoy on your children?  Sometimes we just need to do this to get through the day- I totally get it!  
But today's "challenge" is to take a moment to get on their level and play what they are playing.  No- not ALL day!  But for a few minutes or an hour- play that imaginative game they've come up with or push them on that car around the yard that causes your back to ache every time you bend down.
These are the moments your children will hold dear to their hearts and remember for a lifetime.


7 ways to connect with your children
Work together Project
This project is all about working together as a team to create something beautiful or important to you.  This might be something that takes a few hours or a day and presents room for growth and learning.
Bake together, cook together, make a birdhouse from scratch, build a lego city...anything that interests your child and won't take just 5 minutes to finish.  The idea is that you've worked hard as a team and have a finished project that you can say "wow" about "we did that together" and you feel proud from what you worked hard to accomplish.


Intentional Words
Be intentional with the words you use today.  Words are powerful and have the ability to change the way a child views themselves, reacts to situations or change the course of the day.  
Today be careful to pick the words you use to respond to your children and I'd especially like to challenge you to use kind words.  
Perhaps you could surprise your children with a note of love and encouragement in their lunch box, or leave notes around the house and go on a scavenger hunt.  If your children are pre-school age, it could be fun to write a kind letter and put it the mailbox for them to pick.
Be intentional with your choice of words today and find some special ways to let your children know how much you love them.

I hope that you have enjoyed these seven days of inspiring beautiful connections between you and your children.  I'd love to hear your feedback in the comments below!
