Baking Together | Enriched Children

I cannot think of a better way to connect with your child than baking together. Let's be real.  Baking with kids is messy, frustrating and likely to come out looking or tasting wrong half the time!  But it also encourages teamwork, creating and using imagination together and practicing patience with one another.

baking with kidsThis week, the boys and I made a breakfast pumpkin bread.  I chose this primarily because I still have bags of frozen pumpkin left over from the Fall, but wow, did it ever turn out great!  The recipe below is for a vegan pumpkin cake but I decided not to add the icing.  This way, we could eat it for snacks and breakfast without me feeling too guilty! I also doubled the recipe, which I'd recommend as we devoured this quite quickly- hence why there are none of my own photo's!

Vegan pumpkin cake

If you're looking for something else to bake, I'll post a couple other links that I've used in the past.
I'd love to hear your stories of how your baking went- good, bad, or silly. Comment below!

Baking with Kids:
Recipe's ids can bake | Food Network
Fun and Easy Recipes | Delish
Baking with kids


  1. Just started following you from the Facebook Mom to Mompreneur group. I think you need to be my mom friend: I am also a SAHM of boys, love to play outside with them, and hunt for the best vegan treat recipes for my food allergic sons! This pumpkin cake may get baked in my house tomorrow!

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  2. Amazing!! No allergies in our family, but having lived in Kenya and eating mainly plant-based, we love it. I was really impressed with this "cake" as well. I love having boys- they're busy but so much fun and they love big!


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