Bird watching and Peanut Butter

Pinecone bird feeders are simple to make and a great sensory activity too! You get to dip your fingers in gooey peanut butter- plus taste it, feel the texture of birdseed and so much more! This activity birthed an entire afternoon of fun and connecting together, so be sure to read to the end.
how to make a peanut butter bird feeder

Simply spread some peanut butter all over the pinecone.  Next, put a cup or two of birdseed in a wide bowl and roll the pinecone around in the birdseed so that it sticks!  
You can place your birdfeeder anywhere you like outside.  We tied a small string to it and hung it in the backyard.  

We went inside and waited by our sliding door.  Waiting for the birds to come.  My son suggested we have some tea.  After all, it did seem like be would be waiting awhile.  We made some vanilla rooibos tea and found some books and poems to read about birds.  Sitting by the sliding door, bird-watching and drinking tea turned out to be such a fun way to spend the afternoon!

how to make a peanut butter bird feederSoon after we threw our coats on to go outside and bird watch some more.  Another fun follow up activity is to make a sensory bin with any leftover bird seed you may have.  Add some small shovels, funnels, natural items like pinecones or dandelions, and your afternoon is set!

I hope I've inspired you with not only making a bird seed feeder but a few other activities to connect with your little's.  As always, happy connecting and comment below if you and your children enjoyed!

Below is a poem about bird watching that you can read with your children and some book suggestions!
Good Reads:
My name isn't OOF!
Birds make Nests
Bird Watching
bird poems for kids
