Create a Nature Boat

Make your a nature boat with kids
Make your a nature boat with kids

With such a lovely start to Spring, I was excited to get out in nature A LOT this week and even attempt some water play.  On the island, the beach isn't ever far, so we took a quick trip there yesterday. There were so many lovely items to collect and discover together.  Of course, we came home with pockets what?

 Nature boats! I thought it would be a fun activity to make our own "nature boats". This activity doesn't need a lot of explanation- collect natural items from outside and allow your children to imagine their own style of boat to create.

Make your a nature boat with kids
Depending on your child's age, you may need to assist them.  I used a glue gun to stick our pieces of wood, shells, leaves etc together.  I would recommend a good super glue however, as the glue gun is more of a quick fix and eventually fell apart in the water after some play.

There are so many ways to expand this activity! 

  • Find your natural items at the beach, in your own backyard or on a nature trail- this could be an outing or simply while you play at home
  • Sink or float.  Grab a few other items (natural items, toys- anything) and test them out with the boat you made.
  • Make a few boats and see which floats best or have a race!
  • Take your boat to the beach or a pond to test it out.
  • Make your own aluminium foil river (you'll need a lot!) and adding water. Send your boat down the river you constructed!
  • Paint your boat and add decorations.  I personally love keeping everything natural, but we always want to encourage children's imagination and creativity.  If they want to add sparkles or paint- go for it! It's their boat!
Make your a nature boat with kids
Sink or Float
