Mud Painting | Enriched Children

Mud painting with kids
Spring on the island began hot- as in near summer hot, but as it usually does, it took a twist and we've had a couple week so of rain with the odd sunny day.  We've been taking advantage of mother nature and have been exploring a lot with mud this past week!

Mud painting with kidsToday, on one of the sunny days, we filled some buckets and made mud paint.  Mud painting surely isn't rocket science but it definitely is fun- and messy!  It's an amazing opportunity to explore with your senses and learn through nature.

Here's what we did:

We divided our mud into a few bowls and added a small amount of water to each.  We stirred it with a paintbrush (you could also use popsicle sticks or twigs). You want the consistency to be similar to real paint.
  • If you add too much water (like my son did because he thought pouring a whole bucket of water would be fun lol) it's easy to reverse.  Just drain the water or add more mud to your mixture!
Mud painting with kidsFrom there all you need is some paper and a paintbrush!  We chose to paint outside enjoying the natural inspirations around us.  We used a paintbrush, but as I mentioned, you could try using twigs, branches, pinecones or other natural materials to paint with.

I added a few drops of food colouring into each bowl which was quickly overwhelmed by the mud, however after my son's painting dried the colours appeared underneath- so that was interesting to find out.

All in all, have fun exploring and creating with your children.  don't be afraid of mess- it can always be cleaned!

Happy connecting!
Mud painting with kids
Mud painting with kids
