Nature Imprints with Clay | Enriched Children

Nature Imprints with Clay
You all know that I love natural items and today's activity really encompasses the beauty of nature! Creating nature prints with air drying clay is a perfect way to explore with natural items found outside, as well as clay and art.

Go on a nature walk or simply look around your yard for different items.  No right or wrong here!  Items like leaves, branches and pinecones work great. (we also used dandelions and ended up with yellow clay!)

Once collecting our items I helped my son to roll out some clay and next, used a great circular piece (from a baby handprint kit) to shape a circle with the clay.  Clay is a tougher material than playdough and may need a bit of water added to it.

I helped my son to push the different items well into the clay.  You can press these in with your hands or even roll them with a rolling pin.  Carefully peel off each item and take a look at the great imprint left behind!
Nature Imprints with Clay A great opportunity to natural introduce science into your day!

From here, let your creativity flow.  You could poke a hole at the top and once drying they could be hung on the wall, they could become coasters, or a nice addition to your nature table if you have one.  Wherever your imagination leads, the clay will need a day or two to fully dry before you find a spot for it.

This is an easy clay to use and very affordable too!
