Tea and Treats | Enriched Children

Tea time for kids
Having just had mother's day pass, it seems fitting to have a blog about a tea party.  I had told my son on the day before mother's day that he could cook breakfast for me, of which he replied with a hearty laugh, "NOOOO! You're just kidding!"

My hubby works on Sundays and with 2 little boys, I assumed mother's day would be fairly uneventful- however, my son decided he would throw me a tea party!  He insisted that "dinner is too hard to make, but I can make you tea." Aweeee!

So he picked out the tea, placed the tea bag in the pot and even whipped up his own invention of saltine crackers with jam spread in the middle.  I only helped to pour the hot water.
Tea time with kids
This turned out to be such a sweet way of connecting with my boys.  We sat outside on our patio, sipped tea and enjoyed the sunshine.  So today, why not take some intentional time to take your regular cup of tea or coffee with your children.

You could surprise them by setting up tea cups ahead of time, make it with them, or see how they do making it themselves.  Having tea time together can also be subbed in for a regular snack time, or it could be a resting time of reading books together or catching up on the day.

Whatever twist you decide to take, taking those moments and sipping a sweet cup of tea together allows for a beautiful time of connecting together!

As always- happy connecting and comment below with your own personal story of what you did and how it turned out.

I prefer to use my own China or mugs, however this authentic tin tea cup set is adorable, authentic and child friendly. Find it HERE
