Pressed Flower bookmarks

Pressed flower bookmarks for kids
This brings back fond memories as a child. Often, my friends and I would
pick dandelions or, if we were allowed, some flowers from the garden. We
would bring them home and press them in a heavy book for at least a day,
and afterwards create bookmarks.

Take a nature walk with your children and collect some flowers or other
small and delicate items that can be pressed. Once you’ve found enough,
bring them home and press them in a heavy book in between paper towel.

You’ll want to wait at least five hours before taking them out. (We left them overnight).
While you
wait, cut up some pieces of cardstock- even cardboard from an old cereal
box will do. The idea is that it will be stiff enough to be used as a
bookmark. Cut the cardboard to the size and shape that you desire.

Finally it's time to decorate! If you’d like to paint the cardboard or colour it
before placing your pressed flowers- go for it! Otherwise, simply place your
pressed flowers (or other items) onto the bookmark. Next, you’ll need
some mactac.
Pressed flower bookmarks with kids

Mactac is very sticky and hard to work with so this might be time for the
adult to step in! Measure and cut the appropriate size of mactac for the
bookmark (I like to cover the back and front of the bookmark). Carefully and
slowly, slide the back of the mactac off as you press the sticky side down
on the flowers. Trim any extra edges you may have.

And there you have it- a stunning handmade bookmark!
