What's on my daily checklist

use this checklist to connect with your kids

The aim of this blog is to inspire intentional connections with your children every day.  After moving from a third world country back to North America a few years ago, I found that there were so many distractions stealing those precious moments from us and our children.

Making intentional connections does not have to be difficult at all!  Every day there are a few very simple things I do (and you're probably doing them too) to ensure that I've spent meaningful time with my boys and that I've let them know how much I love and care for them.

It's more of a mental checklist, but here it is written down.  What's on your checklist?  Comment below!
  • Say I love you (likely this will be all day long!)
  • Hug them
  • Kiss them
  • Cuddles!
  • Zero electronics (for me!) My phone has been put away for a major portion of the day.
  • Be mindful of the words I choose (especially in discipline or in moments when I feel angry or impatient)
  • Focus on the positives of my boy's behavior and achievements throughout the day- and let them know these.
  • Spend time doing something they want (imaginative play, lego, etc).
  • Try something new (introduce something new to my boys that we can do together- a new game, baking or cooking a food we haven't done before, go to a new park etc.)
use this checklist to connect with your kidsMost days, I don't even have to think about any of these- they naturally happen as part of the day.  As parents let's be mindful and intentional about the time we spend with our children!
