A Summer Memory windchime

This far into summer I'm sure your children have brought home pockets full of rocks, shells and other treasures that they have collected.  Often I'm quick to throw these away after a day or two, but this summer I thought to try something new.

Instead of throwing away all that my son collected, we kept everything and made a wind chime out of them.  This was a great opportunity to spark conversation about what we've done throughout the summer and remember some of our favourite outings!

We used a beautiful piece of driftwood from the beach and tied a few strings.  I'm a glue gun Mom which makes for a quick windchime although not necessarily a long term fix.  I glued our items onto the string and before we knew it, we had a beautiful and natural wind chime to hang outside and remind us of our summer memories.

What have been some of your favourite outings this summer?  Comment below!
Happy Connecting!
PS. My photo's today are incomplete. My apologies- we just had our third baby on July 30th and have been quite happily occupied!
