Our world comes to a pause at bed time

connect with your children at Enriched children

Once my children have fallen to sleep and the home is clean for no one but the moon to see, I finally get to slip into my cozy bed sheets and reflect on my day. Some days are loud and busy, others are quiet and spent at home, some days I beat myself up for what a lousy mom I was and still others, I pride myself for being a super mom, feeding my children whole plant-based foods, making handicrafts with them and swearing that I could easily have 5 children like I always dreamed of as a child.

BUT the one thing that always stands out whether our day was good, bad or just barely survived, is how much we connect at bedtime.  I'm sure as you reflect now on how you put your kids to bed, you can come up with a paragraph of moments how you and your children connected.
connect with your children at bedtime
Those intentional connections happen throughout the day but so does the business of cooking, cleaning, school drop off or swimming lessons.  At bedtime, our busy world seems to pause.  If you haven't finished cleaning up after dinner, it's put on pause.  If you still need to squeeze in that shower, it waits.  

Make bedtime count.  Take those sweet moments to read to your children.  Bond in small talk or tickles as your change them into their pajamas.  Steal all the kisses, hugs and "I love you's" as you turn off the light.

This is the end of their day.  Let them drift into sleeping knowing how much you treasure and enjoy them.  Let your busy world be put on pause for just another moment as you tuck them into bed and say goodnight.

...I'd love to hear some of your favourite bedtime rituals. Comment below and share with us!
