"Thick Red Stew" | Enriched Children

enriched children

I had the privilege of reading at the Nanaimo regional library last week to a group of students for Black History Month! I have to say, I came across some lovely book titles that I just had to share-along with some really fun activities to accompany them that you can do with your children.

"Thank you Omu" by Oge Mora is the sweetest book (based in Nigeria) about a Grandma who makes a pot of stew for dinner but soon gives it all away as friends from town visit and have a taste. I won't give the ending away!

I read this at the breakfast table to my boys & then we had the great idea to make our own stew later that day for dinner! I love making books come to life!  If you can find this book in your library, why not read it and try out cooking your favourite stew together for dinner.
We made chickpeas in coconut curry- our favourite!  What's yours?

enriched childrenTry this idea with other books too.  As you read to your children, be mindful of practical ways you can make the book come to life.  Perhaps you can find some figurines or puppets so that your children can re-tell the story or maybe there is a practical activity you can do together like we did by cooking stew.

Have fun connecting together!
