Kindness Wall | Enriched Children

I've got to admit that this fabulous idea is not mine- it was started at the local Strong Start that we love going to each week. I loved it so much that I just had to share with you!

A Kindness Wall. Brilliant! As the children notice acts of kindness that others do or they may do throughout the day, they can snag a heart-shaped sticky note and write down the kind act.  We've had this up for over a month and it is wonderful to add to it and also to reflect on past acts of kindness.

So why not do this in your home?  If you have the space, take up a wall!  If not, you could have a kindness jar or a kindness box.  Have some paper and pens nearby and take note when your children do special acts of kindness, or help them write a kind act.

After each day, week or month, take some time reflecting together and reading the kind acts. you've written down. We love doing this at the dinner table as we connect together over a meal.  It's sure to bring lots of smiles and good vibes to your meal time!
