We've been gifted Time | Enriched Children

Only a week ago I was dropping my oldest off at preschool, followed by martial arts class and then to our bible study group to end the day.  As of today, we have spent one week at home.  So much has changed SO quickly because of Covid-19.

Although we are all healthy, we have chosen to stay home and not leave for any reason.  The boys stick to riding their bikes in front of our home, or playing in our small backyard.  There are some moments where I want to rip my hair out because without other friends to play with at our usual play dates, it's constantly "mommy this" and "mommy that."  I'm sure you can relate.

But in those moments- yes, those moments where I want to rip my hair out, I think of all the people isolated at home that don't have children to connect with and talk with during the day.  Even if they're asking for yet another snack after they just finished one, I can't begin to explain how thankful I am for that human connection during the day!

What I'm trying to say, is take this time as a gift.  I am in no way trying to belittle the situation our world is in, but for us that are healthy at home with our kids, let's cherish this time that (we hope to God) we'll never have again.  

Often we don't have the time to just sit...breathe...and hold our children.   To notice all the funny little things they say or the funny expressions they do.  We may be busy at work, busy cleaning the neverending mess our kids make, busy cooking, busy taking our kids to swimming or piano.  Although we may be with our children, it doesn't mean we are always bonding and connecting with them.

Enjoy the slow pace of your days.  This is probably the only time in your life you don't have to feel guilty about not doing anything.  Hold your kids, laugh with your kids, cook with them, garden with them...just slow down and enjoy the extra moments you have together.

We all hear it from the old ladies at the grocery store- but it's true!  They do grow up too fast!  Often we are so busy during the day that we miss milestones, or that tall tower they built, or perhaps we miss a silly song they made up.  

Let's take all the positivity we can from a bad situation.  Let's turn this self-distancing into a beautiful time of bonding with our children and family.  Next time your son or daughter is about to make you lose your mind...stop...breathe...and remember this little human who may have pushed your buttons to the limit is also someone to talk to and laugh with in a time when we need to distance ourselves from everyone else.  

Our children are a gift and we have been given the gift of guilt-free time to be with them.  Cherish every moment!
